December is always something of a blur, as we all deal with the festive frenzy. Lots of fantastic products this month.

Here at Le Marché, we have a philosophy of only working a product when the quality is right. Something might be available but not at its best - in which case we will not recommend it. Agretti, for example, has been around for a few weeks but is only now in our warehouse.

Chestnuts are loose - from Spain, France and Italy - and also vacuum packed.

Citrus is fantastic. We offer all the niche lines, such as bergamot and cedro, along with the very best of the more familiar such as our leafy clementines from Spain.

Roots include crosnes, oca, Jerusalem, helianthus, red meat radish, watermelon radish, blue meat radish, parsley root, chervil root.

For brassicas, there is a huge range of UK kale varieties and kalettes, sprout tops, Romanesco, Cime di Rapa, sprout tops.

Leafy greens include puntarelle and UK rainbow chard. All the radicchios are in season such as tardivo and Castel Franco.

Don’t forget the winter tomatoes such as Marinda and Raf.

Best of the wild mushrooms are chanterelle and trompette.

UK and French apples and pears are still excellent quality.

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