Big lines for January include Seville orange, blood orange and - in the next few weeks - Yorkshire triangle rhubarb, especially from our friend Annabel.

We love Calcot onions from Spain - huge fun to eat and much underrated.

January King cabbage and kohl rabi are also favourites. Other cabbages include Savoy, Hispi (Portuguese) black cabbage and Primo. Winter tomatoes include Marinda, Camone and Raf.

For fruit, wax-tipped European pears are spectacular along with French kiwis.

It’s a fantastic time for citrus - especially oranges. We have Seville, blood, Chocolate orange, Cara Cara and unwaxed Portuguese oranges.

Roots include crosnes, oca, Jerusalem, helianthus, red meat radish, watermelon radish, blue meat radish, parsley root, chervil root.

Salad crops include all the radicchios and puntarelle.

Looking forward to wild garlic next month.

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